Shudder Moana
Average Ratings 8,4 / 10 Stars /
Family /
107 Minutes /
Temuera Morrison /
247305 Votes
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Mona chollet.
I may have liked this movie more if I would have watched with the sound turned off. The music was horrendous, the characters were boring, and the plot was sub-par at best. And what was with the androgynous crab? I felt like I was tripping on acid while watching Liberace perform as Boy George. Not really my cup of tea.
With that said, the animation was breath-taking, and the cast did a great job with a not-well-written script. I love The Rock, but even he couldn't make this movie live up to my expectations. Watch Tangled, then Moana and you'll see why I give this movie 4 out of 10 stars.
Moana swim.
Moana piano.
Moana songs how far i'll go.
Moana thank you.
Moana karaoke.
Moana nursery.
Moana characters.
Moana 2.
Moana does quite a few thing in the bad way, some more in the average - and few godly.
The bad lies mainly in the writing with the following:
1) The adults are always so stoopid. Don't do this, don't do that. Why does the princess always have to fight against these DUMBtulds. Seriously Disney, don't be so cliché.
2) The tattoo score counting was rigged! The princess clearly lost. So unfair!
The things that were so-so:
1) The OST. "Worse thing about Disney movies is the singing." While I loved The "Dwayne Johnson" Rock singing 'You're Welcome' some of the other songs were bad. Especially the lyrics were rather cheesy and cringe-worthy.
2) Moana. I didn't like her character nor did I enjoy seeing her character development. "I am a princess who has been raised as one." Yeah, same old story which was never good to begin with.
The gold:
1) Chicken. Should have been the real main character of this movie. Should be the president of United States. Also Pollo, Mexican and a total genius of our time. Did Disney secretly give their support to Trump by making this character? Either way, Chicken made the movie.
Moana movie full movie in english.
Moana center.
I hate this Movie. Ironnicly,as I was walking up the stairs and into my seat, I had HIGH expectations. As I sat down excitement and the movie began... I hated the first few minutes. A few minites later added to the fire of my already burning hatred for it. Add 1 hour and 47 mins to that and I'm already clawing my eyes out. I'm gonna make this sweet and short. I felt like I was watching Frozen all over again, just with even more horrendous singing and somehow an even worse script. None of the jokes made me laugh, the best character in the whole movie was the chicken with the only trait as a character is being stupid and vulnerable and the only reason I didn't leave theatre was because it was new year's eve and I had nothing else to do.
Can I say this. This movie sucks...